Essay, Research Paper: Macbeth

Shakespeare: Macbeth

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1) Early in Macbeth we see Lady Macbeth as the strong, rational, determined,
ambitious, even ruthless woman ; on the other hand we see a more vacillating ,
fearful Macbeth. As the play progresses, we see both characters change. Discuss.
In the play Macbeth we can see a change occur in both the charaters, I think
that most of the change in the characters occurs when they decide to actualy go
ahead with the murder of Duncan. After this murder takes place both Macbeth and
Lady Macbeth seem to become in a way blood thirsty. Not for their enjoyment but
for the sake of Macbeth to to become the ruler. The seem to get carried away
with all the murders that they have made take place. And go on a killing war
path, killing anyone who gets in the way of Macbeth recieving the throne. It is
just before the scene where Macbeth kills Duncan where the first sign of Macbeth
changing occurs, he becomes all agitated and hesitant towards whether he should
kill King Duncan or not, but finally Lady Macbet persuades Macbeth into
commiting the murder of Duncan. But before the murder you could somehow already
see the stress building up on top of him. It was the forceful words of his wife
Lady Macbeth that I think made him do it. Lady Macbeth before the murder was
quite calm as her ussual self giving orders to Macbeth. After the murder of
Duncan this is when you see most of the changes begin, first of all it all
started with Macbeth he started to become nervous and began to see things that
wernt really there like the ghost of Duncan. I think this was the whole
beginning of the couples problems when Macbeth started seeing things, I think
this was what started Lady Macbeth off. This I think got her a bit paranoid
about ghosts and other spirits comming to get her this was when you could start
to notice a difference in Lady Macbeth’s attitude. I think it was partly
because she was a bit worried about Macbeth and his problems with his seeing
things. What caused more problems for the Macbeth couple I think was that they
killed more people to give his crown so called fruits for the rest of his life
realy just to keep it secure. After all the killings that Macbeth had done both
Macbeth anf Lady Macbeth realy lost it they ssaught of went of the rails and
become realy sick in the mind. Lady Macbeth realy changed in her personality
side of things her whole attitude to life had changed after all the murders that
took place. So in coclution I think that both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth realy
changed towards the end of the play. There whole personality changed. Instead of
Lady Macbeth being strong, determined and ruthless she has become frail minded
and scared of what was to come of her life, and instead of Macbeth being
fearless he had also become scared and had fallen of the rails his whole life
had become fearful. So I would have to say in the end they had definatly chaged
there ways since the begining of the play. 1) Early in Macbeth we see Lady
Macbeth as the strong, rational, determined, ambitious, even ruthless woman ; on
the other hand we see a more vacillating , fearful Macbeth. As the play
progresses, we see both characters change. Discuss. In the play Macbeth we can
see a change occur in both the charaters, I think that most of the change in the
characters occurs when they decide to actualy go ahead with the murder of
Duncan. After this murder takes place both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth seem to
become in a way blood thirsty. Not for their enjoyment but for the sake of
Macbeth to to become the ruler. The seem to get carried away with all the
murders that they have made take place. And go on a killing war path, killing
anyone who gets in the way of Macbeth recieving the throne. It is just before
the scene where Macbeth kills Duncan where the first sign of Macbeth changing
occurs, he becomes all agitated and hesitant towards whether he should kill King
Duncan or not, but finally Lady Macbet persuades Macbeth into commiting the
murder of Duncan. But before the murder you could somehow already see the stress
building up on top of him. It was the forceful words of his wife Lady Macbeth
that I think made him do it. Lady Macbeth before the murder was quite calm as
her ussual self giving orders to Macbeth. After the murder of Duncan this is
when you see most of the changes begin, first of all it all started with Macbeth
he started to become nervous and began to see things that wernt really there
like the ghost of Duncan. I think this was the whole beginning of the couples
problems when Macbeth started seeing things, I think this was what started Lady
Macbeth off. This I think got her a bit paranoid about ghosts and other spirits
comming to get her this was when you could start to notice a difference in Lady
Macbeth’s attitude. I think it was partly because she was a bit worried about
Macbeth and his problems with his seeing things. What caused more problems for
the Macbeth couple I think was that they killed more people to give his crown so
called fruits for the rest of his life realy just to keep it secure. After all
the killings that Macbeth had done both Macbeth anf Lady Macbeth realy lost it
they ssaught of went of the rails and become realy sick in the mind. Lady
Macbeth realy changed in her personality side of things her whole attitude to
life had changed after all the murders that took place. So in coclution I think
that both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth realy changed towards the end of the play.
There whole personality changed. Instead of Lady Macbeth being strong,
determined and ruthless she has become frail minded and scared of what was to
come of her life, and instead of Macbeth being fearless he had also become
scared and had fallen of the rails his whole life had become fearful. So I would
have to say in the end they had definatly changed there ways since the begining
of the play.
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